Hot Soup:
The Art of Billie Buck

Goodbye South Austin, hello AUS POP
The Austin Popular Culture Museum (formerly known as the South Austin Museum of Popular Culture) is proud to announce an exhibit featuring the artwork of one of Austin’s best and brightest poster artists: Billie Buck! Her Hot Soup exhibit will open on January 26th, 2020. Billie has won several awards for her poster art including Best Poster Artist in 2019 at the Austin Music Awards Show.
The January opening celebration be held on the 26th, from 2pm to 6pm and will feature music by Eve and the Exiles; music starts at 3:00. Will Billie sit in for a couple numbers with the band? Be there and find out!
Non-members can be purchase advance tickets for $5 through the Facebook event listing via Eventbrite. Remember: AusPop members will receive free admission.
The artist will be on hand to discuss her art. An exhibit poster will be gifted to each member while non members will have the opportunity to purchase one for $10.
Please remember AusPop has moved to the building in back of Threadgill’s restaurant at 6416 North Lamar Blvd. For more information email: or call 512-415-7406 and talk with Freddie Krc, Director of Speical Events.

HOT SOUP: A Poster Show by Billie Buck, Austin Museum of Popular Culture, January 26 - March 29, 2020
Exhibition date was cut short due to closures caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Nikki Hill

The Tender Things with Nuevo at C-Boy’s Heart and Soul, Austin, TX, Every Thursday in January, 2019

Ty Segall and Wand at The Mohawk, Presented by Transmission Events. Austin, TX September 5, 2014

AW!ESOME WEEK PRESENTS: L’Art de Billie Buck Poster Retrospective. Wither Performances by Star Perks at Cafe Cardinal in Angers, France. September 19, 2019.

Magnifico with Vapor Caves at the North Door, Austin, TX September 27, 2019

Nick Allison and the Players Lounge Tour Kickoff and Album Release featuring Warm-Sugar Rattlesnake Milk at the Hard Luck Lounge, Austin, TX October 16, 2019

The Crack Pips Live! at Antone’s Record Shop, Austin, TX October 28

Even Monsees and Mike Buck, T. Tex Edwards Group, Walter Daniels and the Del Valle Trustees at The Parlor, Austin, TX December 14, 2019

Natural Child, Denny and the Jets, Turf Ward, and Hundred Visions at Holy Mountain, Austin, TX Saturday November 22, 2014

Swans at the Parish, Austin, TX, April 16, 2015

White Fence at Levitation Austin, Carson Creek Ranch, May 8, 2015

Wild Bill and the Lost Knobs with Special Guest Rance May at the Hard Luck Lounge, Austin, TX, April 20, 2016

Fred & Toody of Dead Moon with Ghost Writer, The Sister Rays, and Teenage Cave Girl at the Lost Well, Austin TX, October 2, 2016

King Kahn and The Shrines at LaLaLa Lovebirds Tour, 2016

Holy Wave Tour Kickoff Party featuring Lake of Fire, Tee Vee, and Diamond Center at Hotel Vegas, Austin, TX, March 1, 2017

Psychedelic Pig Roast featuring Greenbeard, Smoke and Feathers, …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead Native Daughters with Sextile, Breanna Barbara, Lista de Lily, Plastic Daggers, King Buffalo, Loads of Fuzz, and Muscle Beach at The Electric Church in Austin, TX March 17, 2017

King Kahn and the Shrines Hail Hail Rock N Roll, 2017

Paper Tiger’s 2nd Heatwave Featuring Chastity Belt, Downtown Boys, Sneaks, and Lisa Prank at Paper Tiger, San Antonio, TX, March 13, 2017

Planet Claire Presents: Magic Rockers of Texas featuring Lead Pony, Bond Twins, and Polyaction at Cheer Up Charlie’s, Austin, TX June 13, 2017

Mondo Nation Presents: Night of the Creeps III at Paper Tiger, San Antonio, TX October 28, 2017

The Make-Up Levitation featuring Boogarins, and the Rotten Mangoes at Cheer Up Charlie’s, Austin, TX April 28, 2018

Loteria, Rattlesnake Milk, Leady, Speedy, Buck & Eve at Antone’s Records, Austin, TX, August 9, 2018

Kikagaku Moyo at the Barracuda, Austin, TX, October, 16, 2018

Hallogriiin featuring The Brothers Griiin and Friends at The Jones Assembly. Oklahoma City, OK, October 31, 2018

The Sonics with Sailor Poon and the Hickoids at the Parish, Austin, TX November 8, 2018

The Wild North, 2018

The Hemp Connection Festival Presented by The Smoke Out Show at the Texas Music Ranch, Austin TX, April 20, 2019

So Far Gone After Party featuring the Shitty Stones with Sailor Poon and Model Zero at Bar DKDC, New Orleans, LA, September 27, 2019

Covert Curiosity Presents Neil Young at Hoot Night at the Far Out Lounge and Stage, Austin, TX October 19, 2019

Sahm Covers Sahm Album Release featuring Shandon Sahm at Antone’s Record Shop, Austin, TX November 3, 2019

Pink Mirage at Basel Week Miami, Churchill’s Pub, Miami, FL December 5, 2019

38th Annual Austin Music Awards at ACL Live at the Moody Theater, Austin, TX, March 11, 2020

Screaming Females with Popper Burns and Street Eaters at the Barracuda, Austin, TX October, 24, 2017

Austin Museum of Popular Culture 2020 Poster, debuted with the opening of AUS Pop’s new location in North Austin.